Terms and Conditions for Upstack.ai

Table of Contents

Number Section
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview of Upstack.ai
1.2 Importance of reading and understanding the Terms and Conditions
2 Acceptance of Terms
2.1 User agreement to the terms and conditions
2.2 Consequences of non-compliance
3 Description of Services
3.1 Explanation of services provided by Upstack.ai
3.2 Limitations of the services
4 User Obligations
4.1 User responsibility for data entered into the system
4.2 Prohibitions against violation of copyright, patents, or confidential data
4.3 Requirement for ownership or permissions for introduced information
5 Data Processing and Storage
5.1 Explanation of Upstack.ai’s data processing operations
5.2 Assurance of non-storage of data by Upstack.ai
6 Intellectual Property Rights
6.1 Explanation of intellectual property rights related to the use of Upstack.ai
6.2 User obligations regarding intellectual property
7 Limitation of Liability
7.1 Limitations of Upstack.ai’s liability
7.2 User understanding and agreement to these limitations
8 Amendments to the Terms and Conditions
8.1 Explanation of how and when changes may be made to the Terms and Conditions
8.2 User responsibilities for staying updated on these changes
9 Governing Law
9.1 Explanation of the legal jurisdiction governing the Terms and Conditions
9.2 Contact Information
9.3 Information on how to contact Upstack.ai for questions or concerns about the Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview of Upstack.ai

Overview of Upstack.ai

Upstack.ai is an online platform that offers a range of tools and services aimed at speeding up processes for clients and partners. Our platform is designed to streamline various tasks and improve efficiency in different industries.

One of the key features of Upstack.ai is its ability to handle large datasets and process them quickly. This is particularly useful for businesses that deal with vast amounts of data on a regular basis. By leveraging our platform, users can save time and resources by automating repetitive tasks and accessing advanced data analytics tools.

It is important for users to understand and agree to the Terms and Conditions outlined in this document before using Upstack.ai. These terms govern the use of our platform and ensure a fair and secure environment for all users.

Importance of reading and understanding the Terms and Conditions

Reading and understanding the Terms and Conditions is crucial for all users of Upstack.ai. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you will have a clear understanding of your rights and obligations when using our platform. This will help you make informed decisions and avoid any potential conflicts or misunderstandings.

The Terms and Conditions outline the rules and guidelines that govern the use of Upstack.ai. They cover various aspects, including user obligations, data processing and storage, intellectual property rights, limitation of liability, amendments to the terms, and governing law. By adhering to these terms, you can ensure a smooth and mutually beneficial relationship with Upstack.ai.

In the next section, we will discuss the acceptance of terms and the consequences of non-compliance.

1.2 Importance of reading and understanding the Terms and Conditions

Importance of reading and understanding the Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions of Upstack.ai are an important document that all clients and partners should carefully read and understand before using the services provided. By accepting these terms, users agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by Upstack.ai. Failure to comply with these terms can have serious consequences.

It is crucial for users to familiarize themselves with the Terms and Conditions in order to fully understand their rights and responsibilities when using Upstack.ai’s services. These terms outline the scope of services provided by Upstack.ai, as well as any limitations or restrictions that may apply.

One of the key aspects covered in the Terms and Conditions is the user’s obligation to ensure that any data entered into the system is not in violation of copyright, patents, or confidential information. Users are responsible for obtaining the necessary ownership or permissions for any information introduced into the system.

Additionally, the Terms and Conditions provide an explanation of Upstack.ai’s data processing operations. While Upstack.ai operates to process data efficiently, it does not store any user data. This ensures that personal or proprietary information remains secure and protected.

By understanding and agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, users can protect their own interests and ensure a smooth and secure experience when using Upstack.ai’s services. It is important to note that Upstack.ai reserves the right to make amendments to the Terms and Conditions as needed. Users are responsible for staying updated on any changes made and should regularly review the document to ensure compliance.

In summary, reading and understanding the Terms and Conditions is of utmost importance for clients and partners of Upstack.ai. By doing so, users can ensure compliance with the rules and regulations set forth, protect their own interests, and maintain a secure and efficient experience when utilizing Upstack.ai’s services.

2. Acceptance of Terms

2.1 User agreement to the terms and conditions

User agreement to the terms and conditions

The user agreement to the terms and conditions is a crucial aspect of using Upstack.ai’s services. By agreeing to these terms, clients and partners acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the obligations and responsibilities outlined in the terms and conditions.

User agreement

When using Upstack.ai’s services, clients and partners are required to agree to the terms and conditions. This agreement signifies their consent to abide by the rules and guidelines set forth by Upstack.ai. It is important for users to carefully read and understand the terms and conditions before proceeding with the use of Upstack.ai’s services.

Consequences of non-compliance

Non-compliance with the terms and conditions may result in various consequences. Upstack.ai reserves the right to suspend or terminate the user’s access to the services if they fail to comply with the agreed-upon terms. Additionally, legal action may be taken if the user’s actions violate copyright, patents, or confidential data.

Responsibility for data entered into the system

Users are solely responsible for the data they enter into the Upstack.ai system. It is important to exercise caution and ensure that any information introduced into the system is accurate and does not infringe upon any copyrights, patents, or confidential data. Users should also ensure that they have the necessary ownership or permissions for the introduced information.

Prohibitions against violation of copyright, patents, or confidential data

Upstack.ai strictly prohibits users from violating copyright, patents, or confidential data. Users must refrain from uploading, sharing, or using any content that infringes upon these rights. Any violation of these prohibitions may result in immediate termination of the user’s access to the services and potential legal consequences.

Requirement for ownership or permissions for introduced information

Users must ensure that they have the necessary ownership or permissions for any information they introduce into the Upstack.ai system. It is the user’s responsibility to verify that they have the legal right to use and share the information they enter into the system. Upstack.ai is not liable for any infringement or misuse of intellectual property rights by the user.

Explanation of Upstack.ai’s data processing operations

Upstack.ai operates by processing data entered into the system to provide its services. The data processing operations are designed to optimize efficiency and deliver accurate results to the users. However, it is important to note that Upstack.ai does not store user data beyond what is necessary for the provision of its services.

Assurance of non-storage of data by Upstack.ai

Upstack.ai assures its clients and partners that it does not store user data beyond what is required for the efficient delivery of its services. The company prioritizes data privacy and takes measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of user information. Users can have confidence in the fact that their data will not be stored or retained by Upstack.ai.

By agreeing to the terms and conditions, clients and partners acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the user agreement, the consequences of non-compliance, their responsibility for data entered into the system, the prohibitions against violation of copyright, patents, or confidential data, the requirement for ownership or permissions for introduced information, as well as Upstack.ai’s data processing operations and assurance of non-storage of data.

2.2 Consequences of non-compliance

Consequences of non-compliance

Users of Upstack.ai are required to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this document. Failure to comply with these terms may result in certain consequences. It is important for users to understand the potential repercussions of non-compliance to ensure a smooth and satisfactory experience with Upstack.ai.

Violation of Copyright, Patents, or Confidential Data

Users are strictly prohibited from introducing any information into the Upstack.ai system that violates copyright laws, patents, or contains confidential data without proper ownership or permissions. Upstack.ai takes intellectual property rights seriously and will not tolerate any infringement. In the event of non-compliance, Upstack.ai reserves the right to take appropriate legal action and seek damages for any losses incurred.

Data Processing and Storage

Upstack.ai operates on the principle of processing data without storing it. Users must understand and adhere to this policy. Any attempt to store data within the Upstack.ai system is considered a violation of the terms and conditions. Upstack.ai will not be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from non-compliance with this policy.

Limitation of Services

Non-compliance with the terms and conditions may also result in limitations on the services provided by Upstack.ai. Upstack.ai reserves the right to suspend or terminate access to certain features or functionalities for users who fail to comply with the terms. This may include restrictions on data processing, access to specific tools, or other limitations deemed necessary by Upstack.ai.


Users must understand and acknowledge that Upstack.ai operates within certain limitations of liability. Upstack.ai will not be held responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of its services. By accepting the terms and conditions, users agree to release Upstack.ai from any liability and assume full responsibility for their actions and compliance with the terms.

It is crucial for users to read and understand the terms and conditions in their entirety to avoid any potential consequences of non-compliance. Upstack.ai is committed to providing a secure and efficient platform, and adherence to the terms and conditions is essential for maintaining a positive user experience.

3. Description of Services

3.1 Explanation of services provided by Upstack.ai

Explanation of services provided by Upstack.ai

Upstack.ai is a platform that offers a range of online tools and services to enhance and expedite various processes. Our services are designed to provide convenience and efficiency to our clients and partners.

One of the key features of Upstack.ai is its ability to streamline data processing operations. Our platform allows users to input data and information, which is then processed using advanced algorithms and technologies. This enables users to analyze and extract valuable insights from their data in a timely manner.

Additionally, Upstack.ai offers tools for data visualization and reporting. Users can generate comprehensive reports and visual representations of their data, making it easier to understand and communicate key findings. This feature is particularly useful for businesses and organizations looking to make data-driven decisions.

It is important to note that while Upstack.ai facilitates the processing of data, we do not store any user data. We prioritize the privacy and security of our users’ information. Once the data is processed, it is immediately discarded, ensuring that no sensitive or proprietary information is retained on our platform.

Furthermore, Upstack.ai is committed to upholding intellectual property rights. Users are responsible for ensuring that any data or information they introduce into the system does not violate copyright, patents, or any other forms of intellectual property. It is the user’s obligation to have ownership or permissions for any introduced information.

In summary, Upstack.ai offers a range of services aimed at enhancing data processing and analysis. Our platform allows users to input data, which is then processed and analyzed using advanced algorithms. We also provide tools for data visualization and reporting. It is important for users to understand their responsibilities in terms of data ownership and intellectual property rights when using our services. Additionally, users can rest assured that their data is processed securely and not stored by Upstack.ai.

3.2 Limitations of the services

Limitations of the services

The services provided by Upstack.ai are designed to enhance efficiency and streamline processes for our clients and partners. However, it is important to understand that there are certain limitations to these services. This section will outline these limitations to ensure that users have a clear understanding of what can and cannot be expected from Upstack.ai.

Explanation of services provided by Upstack.ai

Upstack.ai offers a range of online tools and services that are designed to speed up processes and improve productivity. These tools include data processing, analysis, and automation capabilities. Our goal is to provide our clients and partners with efficient and effective solutions to their business needs.

Limitations of the services

While Upstack.ai strives to provide the best possible services, it is important to note that there are certain limitations to what our platform can offer. These limitations include:

1. Data processing limitations: Upstack.ai processes data entered by users, but it does not store this data. This means that users should not rely on Upstack.ai as a data storage solution. It is the responsibility of the users to ensure that they have appropriate data storage and backup systems in place.

2. Scope of services: Upstack.ai provides services within the scope of its capabilities and functionality. While we continuously work to improve and expand our services, there may be certain tasks or processes that are beyond the scope of what our platform can handle. Users should be aware of these limitations and seek alternative solutions if necessary.

3. Third-party integrations: Upstack.ai may offer integrations with third-party applications or services. However, the availability and functionality of these integrations may be subject to limitations imposed by the third-party providers. Users should review and understand these limitations before relying on any third-party integrations.

4. Technical constraints: Like any online platform, Upstack.ai is subject to technical constraints and limitations. These constraints may include factors such as internet connectivity, server availability, and system maintenance. While we strive to minimize any disruptions, users should be aware that occasional downtime or performance issues may occur.

It is important for users to have a clear understanding of these limitations before utilizing Upstack.ai’s services. By being aware of these constraints, users can make informed decisions and manage their expectations accordingly.

A user wants to use Upstack.ai to process a large dataset. However, due to the technical constraints of the platform, the processing time may be longer than expected. In this case, the user should consider alternative solutions or adjust their expectations to account for the limitations of the service.

Upstack.ai remains committed to providing high-quality services and continuously improving our platform. We encourage users to reach out to our support team if they have any questions or concerns regarding the limitations of our services.

Next section: User Obligations

4. User Obligations

4.1 User responsibility for data entered into the system

User Responsibility for Data Entered into the System

As a user of Upstack.ai, it is important to understand your responsibility for the data you enter into the system. Upstack.ai provides online tools to speed up processes and improve efficiency for its clients and partners. These tools allow users to input various types of information, which may include personal or proprietary data.

However, it is crucial that users do not violate any copyright, patents, or confidential data when introducing information into the system. Users must ensure that they have ownership or appropriate permissions for the data they enter. Upstack.ai expects users to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding data usage and protection.

It is important to note that Upstack.ai operates on a data processing model rather than data storage. This means that Upstack.ai processes the data entered by users to provide the intended services but does not store the data beyond what is necessary for the provision of those services. Users can have confidence that their data will be handled securely and in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

By using Upstack.ai and entering data into the system, users acknowledge and agree to take full responsibility for the accuracy, legality, and appropriateness of the data they provide. Users should exercise caution and ensure that they have the necessary rights and permissions to use and share any data they introduce into the system.

Failure to comply with these responsibilities may result in consequences, including but not limited to the termination of access to Upstack.ai services. It is essential for users to understand and adhere to their obligations when entering data into the system to maintain a secure and compliant environment.


For example, if a user enters personal information of individuals into the system, they must ensure that they have obtained the necessary consent from those individuals to process their data. This includes compliance with applicable data protection laws, such as obtaining consent for the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information.

Furthermore, if a user enters proprietary information into the system, they must ensure that they have the legal rights or permissions to use and share that information. This includes respecting any intellectual property rights, such as trademarks or copyrights, and not infringing upon the rights of others.

Users are encouraged to review and understand the Terms and Conditions provided by Upstack.ai, which outline the responsibilities and obligations related to data entry and usage. By doing so, users can ensure compliance and maintain a positive and secure experience while using Upstack.ai’s services.

4.2 Prohibitions against violation of copyright, patents, or confidential data

Prohibitions against violation of copyright, patents, or confidential data

Upstack.ai recognizes the importance of protecting the intellectual property rights of others and maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information. As a user of our services, it is essential that you understand and comply with the following prohibitions:

1. Violation of Copyright: Users are strictly prohibited from uploading, sharing, or distributing any content that infringes upon the copyrights of others. This includes but is not limited to unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of copyrighted materials, such as text, images, videos, or software, without the explicit permission from the copyright owner.

2. Violation of Patents: Users must not use Upstack.ai services to develop, implement, or distribute any technology, product, or process that infringes upon the valid patents of others. It is your responsibility to ensure that any intellectual property you introduce into the system does not violate existing patents.

3. Violation of Confidential Data: Upstack.ai takes the privacy and confidentiality of user data seriously. Users must not introduce any confidential or proprietary information into the system without proper ownership or permissions. This includes but is not limited to trade secrets, customer data, financial information, or any other sensitive data that is protected by non-disclosure agreements or legal obligations.

By using Upstack.ai services, you acknowledge and agree that you will not engage in any activities that violate copyright, patents, or confidential data. Upstack.ai reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to the services if you are found to be in violation of these prohibitions.

It is important to note that while Upstack.ai processes the data entered into the system to provide its services, it does not store the data. This ensures that your information remains secure and reduces the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.

By adhering to these prohibitions, you contribute to a safe and respectful environment for all users of Upstack.ai. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these prohibitions, please refer to the contact information provided in the “Governing Law” section of these Terms and Conditions.

4.3 Requirement for ownership or permissions for introduced information

Requirement for ownership or permissions for introduced information

In order to ensure the protection of personal and proprietary information, it is important for users of Upstack.ai to have ownership or appropriate permissions for any information they introduce into the system. This requirement helps to prevent the violation of copyright, patents, or confidential data.

Upstack.ai provides online tools that allow users to speed up processes and streamline their operations. These tools may require the input of certain information, which can include personal data, proprietary business information, or other sensitive data. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that they have the necessary ownership or permissions to introduce such information into the system.

By requiring ownership or permissions for introduced information, Upstack.ai aims to protect the rights of individuals and businesses, as well as to prevent any potential legal issues that may arise from the unauthorized use of copyrighted, patented, or confidential data.

Furthermore, it is important to note that Upstack.ai operates on a processing-only basis and does not store any data introduced by users. This ensures that the information provided by users remains secure and is not retained beyond the necessary processing period.

By adhering to the requirement for ownership or permissions for introduced information, users can confidently utilize the services provided by Upstack.ai while maintaining the integrity and legal compliance of their data.

5. Data Processing and Storage

5.1 Explanation of Upstack.ai’s data processing operations

Explanation of Upstack.ai’s data processing operations

Upstack.ai is committed to providing efficient and secure online tools to its clients and partners. As part of its services, Upstack.ai may process certain data that is introduced by the user. It is important for users to understand how this data is handled and what measures are in place to protect it.

Upstack.ai operates on the principle of processing data rather than storing it. This means that any data entered into the system is processed in real-time to generate the desired results, but it is not stored or retained by Upstack.ai. This approach ensures that user data remains secure and reduces the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.

By processing data on the fly, Upstack.ai minimizes the need for data storage, which in turn reduces the risk of data exposure or misuse. This is particularly important when dealing with personal or proprietary information that users may introduce into the system.

It is worth noting that while Upstack.ai takes all necessary precautions to protect user data, it is ultimately the responsibility of the user to ensure that they do not violate any copyright, patents, or confidential data when introducing information into the system. Users should only input data for which they have ownership or proper permissions.

Upstack.ai’s data processing operations are designed to comply with applicable data protection regulations and industry best practices. By adopting a processing-focused approach and refraining from storing user data, Upstack.ai aims to provide a secure and reliable platform for its clients and partners.

In the next section, we will discuss the intellectual property rights related to the use of Upstack.ai and the obligations users have regarding intellectual property.

5.2 Assurance of non-storage of data by Upstack.ai

Assurance of non-storage of data by Upstack.ai

Upstack.ai understands the importance of data privacy and security. We want to assure our clients and partners that we do not store any data entered into our system. Our primary focus is on processing the data efficiently to provide the desired services.

As mentioned earlier, some of the information introduced by the user may include personal or proprietary data. It is crucial for users to be responsible and ensure that they do not violate any copyright, patents, or confidential data while using our platform.

We emphasize that users should only introduce information into the system if they have ownership or proper permissions to do so. Upstack.ai will not be held liable for any unauthorized use of data introduced by users. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Our data processing operations are designed to handle the data securely and in accordance with relevant privacy regulations. We implement industry-standard security measures to protect the data during processing. However, it is essential to note that we do not retain any user data after processing is complete.

By using Upstack.ai, clients and partners acknowledge and agree that the data they introduce into the system will be processed but not stored. This understanding and agreement to our data processing and non-storage policy are essential for the continued use of our services.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding our data processing and storage practices. We are committed to providing transparency and addressing any inquiries related to the assurance of non-storage of data by Upstack.ai.

6. Intellectual Property Rights

6.1 Explanation of intellectual property rights related to the use of Upstack.ai

Explanation of intellectual property rights related to the use of Upstack.ai

Upstack.ai recognizes the importance of intellectual property rights and respects the rights of others. As a user of Upstack.ai, it is crucial to understand the intellectual property rights associated with the use of our services. This section aims to provide an explanation of these rights and the obligations users have in relation to intellectual property.

Intellectual Property Rights

Upstack.ai operates under the principle that users retain ownership of their intellectual property rights. This means that any information, data, or content that you introduce into the system remains your property. Upstack.ai does not claim ownership over any intellectual property rights associated with the content you provide.

User Obligations regarding Intellectual Property

As a user of Upstack.ai, you have certain obligations to ensure that you do not violate the intellectual property rights of others. It is essential to respect copyright, patents, and confidential data when introducing information into the system.

You should only introduce information for which you have ownership or the necessary permissions. This means that you should not upload or share content that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of others. If you are unsure about the ownership or permissions related to certain information, it is recommended to seek legal advice or obtain the necessary permissions before introducing it into the system.

By using Upstack.ai, you agree to abide by all applicable laws and regulations regarding intellectual property rights. Any violation of these rights may result in the termination of your account and legal consequences.

It is important to note that Upstack.ai is not responsible for monitoring or verifying the ownership or permissions of the information introduced by users. However, we encourage users to report any suspected infringement of intellectual property rights to us promptly.


Understanding and respecting intellectual property rights is crucial when using Upstack.ai. By adhering to these rights, you can ensure that you are using our services in a lawful and responsible manner. Upstack.ai recognizes the importance of intellectual property and is committed to protecting the rights of its users and third parties.

Next, we will discuss the limitations of liability associated with the use of Upstack.ai.

6.2 User obligations regarding intellectual property

User Obligations Regarding Intellectual Property

Users of Upstack.ai are required to adhere to certain obligations regarding intellectual property. These obligations are in place to protect the rights of the users themselves, as well as the rights of other users and third parties. By using Upstack.ai’s services, users agree to the following:

1. Responsibility for Data Entered into the System: Users are solely responsible for any data they enter into the Upstack.ai system. This includes ensuring that the data does not infringe upon any copyright, patent, or other intellectual property rights of third parties. Users must ensure that they have the necessary ownership or permissions to introduce any information into the system.

2. Prohibitions Against Violation of Copyright, Patents, or Confidential Data: Users are strictly prohibited from violating any copyright, patent, or confidential data rights while using Upstack.ai. This includes not using the platform to reproduce, distribute, or display copyrighted material without proper authorization. Users must also refrain from using the platform to disclose any confidential information that they do not have the rights to disclose.

3. Requirement for Ownership or Permissions for Introduced Information: Users must ensure that they have the necessary ownership or permissions for any information they introduce into Upstack.ai. This means that users should only introduce data that they have the legal right to use and share. By doing so, users can avoid any potential legal issues related to intellectual property rights.

It is important to note that Upstack.ai operates with the primary goal of processing data, rather than storing it. This ensures that users’ data is handled securely and in compliance with data protection regulations. By following these user obligations regarding intellectual property, users can contribute to a safe and legal environment while utilizing Upstack.ai’s services.

If a user wants to upload a document to Upstack.ai for processing, they should ensure that they have the necessary rights to use and share that document. This includes verifying that the document does not contain any copyrighted material that they do not have permission to use. By taking these precautions, users can avoid any potential legal issues and ensure that they are acting in accordance with intellectual property laws.


7. Limitation of Liability

7.1 Limitations of Upstack.ai’s liability

Limitation of Liability

Upstack.ai strives to provide reliable and efficient services to its clients and partners. However, it is important to understand that there are certain limitations to Upstack.ai’s liability. By using Upstack.ai’s services, clients and partners agree to accept these limitations. This section outlines the specific limitations that apply.

Limitations of Upstack.ai’s Liability

Upstack.ai shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages arising from the use or inability to use the services provided. This includes, but is not limited to, damages for loss of profits, data, or other intangible losses.

Upstack.ai shall not be responsible for any delays, interruptions, or inaccuracies in the services provided. While Upstack.ai strives to maintain uninterrupted access to its services, there may be instances where the services are temporarily unavailable due to technical issues, maintenance, or other factors beyond Upstack.ai’s control.

Clients and partners acknowledge that Upstack.ai does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information or data processed through its services. It is the responsibility of the clients and partners to verify and validate the processed information before making any decisions or taking any actions based on it.

Clients and partners agree that Upstack.ai’s liability for any claims, damages, or losses arising out of or related to the services provided shall be limited to the amount paid by the client or partner for the specific services in question. This limitation of liability applies to all claims, whether based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, or any other legal theory.

Clients and partners understand and agree that Upstack.ai cannot be held responsible for any unauthorized access to or alteration of their data or information. While Upstack.ai implements industry-standard security measures to protect the data and information processed through its services, no system is completely immune to security breaches.

It is important for clients and partners to regularly backup their data and take appropriate measures to protect their own systems and information. Upstack.ai shall not be held liable for any loss, damage, or unauthorized access to the clients’ or partners’ data or information.

Clients and partners acknowledge and understand that the limitations of liability outlined in this section are reasonable and necessary for the provision of the services by Upstack.ai. By using Upstack.ai’s services, clients and partners agree to waive any claims or demands for damages, losses, or liabilities beyond the limitations set forth in this section.

In the event that any provision of this limitation of liability is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.


Client A uses Upstack.ai’s services to process a large dataset for a critical project. However, due to a technical issue, the services are temporarily unavailable for a few hours. As a result, Client A experiences a delay in completing the project and incurs additional costs to meet the deadline. In this case, Upstack.ai’s liability is limited to the amount paid by Client A for the specific services in question. Client A cannot hold Upstack.ai responsible for the additional costs incurred or any other damages arising from the temporary unavailability of the services.

End of Example

Clients and partners are advised to carefully review and understand the limitations of Upstack.ai’s liability before using its services. By using the services, clients and partners acknowledge their acceptance of these limitations and agree to abide by them.


7.2 User understanding and agreement to these limitations

User understanding and agreement to these limitations

The Terms and Conditions of Upstack.ai include certain limitations of liability that users must understand and agree to. By using the services provided by Upstack.ai, users acknowledge and accept these limitations. It is important for users to carefully read and comprehend the following limitations:

1. Limitations of Upstack.ai’s liability: Upstack.ai strives to provide reliable and efficient services, but there are inherent risks associated with the use of any online platform. Users understand and acknowledge that Upstack.ai cannot guarantee the continuous availability, accuracy, or reliability of its services. Upstack.ai will not be held liable for any loss, damage, or inconvenience caused by the unavailability, inaccuracy, or unreliability of its services.

2. User responsibility for data entered into the system: Users are solely responsible for the data they enter into the Upstack.ai system. It is important to ensure that the information introduced into the system is accurate, lawful, and does not violate any copyright, patents, or confidential data. Upstack.ai will not be held liable for any infringement or violation of intellectual property rights committed by users.

3. Prohibitions against violation of copyright, patents, or confidential data: Users are strictly prohibited from introducing any information into the Upstack.ai system that infringes upon the copyright, patents, or confidential data of others. Users must ensure that they have the necessary ownership or permissions for the information they introduce. Upstack.ai reserves the right to remove any content that violates these prohibitions and take appropriate legal action if necessary.

4. Requirement for ownership or permissions for introduced information: Users must ensure that they have the necessary ownership or permissions for any information they introduce into the Upstack.ai system. By introducing information, users confirm that they have the right to do so and that they will not infringe upon the rights of any third parties.

5. Assurance of non-storage of data by Upstack.ai: Upstack.ai operates on the principle of data processing rather than data storage. Users can be assured that Upstack.ai will not store their personal or proprietary information beyond what is necessary for the provision of its services. However, it is the responsibility of users to ensure the confidentiality and security of their own data.

By continuing to use the services provided by Upstack.ai, users indicate their understanding of and agreement to these limitations of liability. It is important for users to review and familiarize themselves with the complete Terms and Conditions to ensure compliance and a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities.

Example: If a user introduces copyrighted material into the Upstack.ai system without the necessary permissions, Upstack.ai will not be held liable for any infringement claims or legal consequences that may arise. It is the user’s responsibility to obtain the required permissions and ensure compliance with copyright laws.


8. Amendments to the Terms and Conditions

8.1 Explanation of how and when changes may be made to the Terms and Conditions

Explanation of how and when changes may be made to the Terms and Conditions

Upstack.ai understands that the Terms and Conditions may need to be updated from time to time to reflect changes in the services provided or to comply with legal requirements. We are committed to ensuring that any changes made to the Terms and Conditions are communicated clearly to our clients and partners.

Notification of Changes

Whenever changes are made to the Terms and Conditions, Upstack.ai will notify all affected users through email or by displaying a prominent notice on our website. It is important for users to regularly check their email and review the website for any updates to the Terms and Conditions.

User Responsibilities

As a user of Upstack.ai, it is your responsibility to stay updated on any changes made to the Terms and Conditions. By continuing to use our services after the changes have been implemented, you are indicating your acceptance of the updated Terms and Conditions.

Reviewing the Changes

When changes are made to the Terms and Conditions, we encourage users to carefully review the updated document. It is important to read and understand the changes to ensure compliance with the new terms. If you have any questions or concerns about the changes, please do not hesitate to contact us using the provided contact information.

Effectiveness of Changes

Any changes made to the Terms and Conditions will be effective immediately upon notification or as otherwise specified in the updated document. It is important for users to be aware that their continued use of Upstack.ai’s services constitutes acceptance of the updated Terms and Conditions.


Upstack.ai is committed to maintaining transparency and keeping our clients and partners informed about any changes made to the Terms and Conditions. By staying updated on these changes and reviewing the updated document, users can ensure compliance with our policies and continue to benefit from our services. If you have any questions or concerns about the changes, please do not hesitate to reach out to us using the provided contact information.

8.2 User responsibilities for staying updated on these changes

User responsibilities for staying updated on these changes

As a user of Upstack.ai, it is important for you to stay informed about any changes that may be made to the Terms and Conditions. By regularly reviewing the Terms and Conditions, you can ensure that you are aware of any updates or modifications that may affect your use of the platform.

Explanation of how and when changes may be made to the Terms and Conditions

Upstack.ai reserves the right to make changes to the Terms and Conditions at any time. These changes may be made for various reasons, such as legal requirements, improvements to the platform, or changes in business practices. When changes are made, Upstack.ai will notify users through appropriate channels, such as email notifications or pop-up messages within the platform.

User responsibilities for staying updated on these changes

As a user, it is your responsibility to regularly check for updates to the Terms and Conditions. This can be done by visiting the Upstack.ai website and reviewing the latest version of the document. Additionally, you should ensure that the email address associated with your Upstack.ai account is up to date, as important notifications may be sent to this address.

Consequences of not staying updated on changes

Failure to stay updated on changes to the Terms and Conditions may result in unintended violations or non-compliance with the updated terms. It is important to note that ignorance of the changes will not excuse any violations or non-compliance. Therefore, it is in your best interest to make it a habit to regularly review the Terms and Conditions and stay informed about any updates.

By staying updated on changes to the Terms and Conditions, you can ensure that you are using Upstack.ai in accordance with the most current guidelines and regulations. This will help you maintain a positive and compliant relationship with Upstack.ai and avoid any potential issues or misunderstandings.

To help users stay updated on changes, Upstack.ai provides a “Terms and Conditions Updates” section on the website. This section includes a summary of recent changes, along with the effective date of each change. Users can refer to this section to quickly understand what updates have been made and when they will take effect. Additionally, Upstack.ai sends email notifications to users whenever significant changes are made to the Terms and Conditions. These notifications contain a brief summary of the changes and a link to the updated document for further review. By utilizing these resources, users can easily stay informed about any changes to the Terms and Conditions.


9. Governing Law

9.1 Explanation of the legal jurisdiction governing the Terms and Conditions


Explanation of the legal jurisdiction governing the Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions of Upstack.ai are governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which Upstack.ai operates. This section provides an explanation of the legal jurisdiction governing the Terms and Conditions to ensure that users are aware of their rights and obligations when using the services provided by Upstack.ai.


Upstack.ai operates globally, providing its services to clients and partners worldwide. As a result, the legal jurisdiction governing the Terms and Conditions may vary depending on the location of the user. It is important for users to familiarize themselves with the specific jurisdiction that applies to their use of the Upstack.ai platform.

Legal Compliance

Users of Upstack.ai are required to comply with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which they operate. This includes but is not limited to, laws relating to data privacy, intellectual property rights, and the use of confidential information. By accepting the Terms and Conditions, users acknowledge their responsibility to adhere to the legal requirements of their jurisdiction.

Contact Information

If users have any questions or concerns regarding the legal jurisdiction governing the Terms and Conditions, they can contact Upstack.ai for further clarification. Upstack.ai provides contact information for users to reach out and seek assistance regarding any legal matters related to the Terms and Conditions.

In summary, the legal jurisdiction governing the Terms and Conditions of Upstack.ai varies depending on the location of the user. Users are required to comply with the laws and regulations of their jurisdiction and can contact Upstack.ai for any legal inquiries or concerns. It is essential for users to understand and abide by the legal requirements to ensure a smooth and compliant experience when using Upstack.ai services.

9.2 Contact Information

Contact Information

Upstack.ai understands the importance of providing clear and accessible contact information for our clients and partners. We are committed to addressing any questions or concerns you may have regarding our terms and conditions. Please refer to the following information to get in touch with us:

Contact Information:

– Email: info@upstack.ai

We encourage you to reach out to us if you have any inquiries or need further clarification on any aspect of our terms and conditions. Our dedicated team is available to assist you and ensure a smooth and satisfactory experience with our services.

It is important to note that while Upstack.ai provides online tools to expedite processes, users must exercise caution when introducing personal or proprietary information. Users are solely responsible for ensuring that any data entered into the system does not violate copyright, patents, or confidential data. It is essential to have ownership or appropriate permissions for any information introduced into the system.

Furthermore, Upstack.ai operates with a focus on data processing rather than data storage. This means that we process the necessary data to provide our services but do not store it. We prioritize the security and privacy of our users’ information, and our systems are designed to adhere to strict data protection protocols.

Should you have any concerns or questions regarding data processing or storage, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to maintaining transparency and addressing any inquiries related to the handling of data within our platform.

By providing comprehensive contact information, we aim to foster open communication and ensure that our clients and partners have the necessary means to reach out to us. We value your feedback and look forward to assisting you with any inquiries or support you may require.

Please note that the contact information provided above is subject to change. It is advisable to periodically check our website or reach out to us directly for the most up-to-date contact information.

Thank you for choosing Upstack.ai. We appreciate your trust and are dedicated to providing exceptional services and support.

9.3 Information on how to contact Upstack.ai for questions or concerns about the Terms and Conditions


Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about the Terms and Conditions of Upstack.ai, please feel free to contact us. We value your feedback and are committed to providing the best possible service to our clients and partners.

You can reach us through the following channels:

1. Email: You can email us at [email protected] We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.

2. Online Support: For quick assistance, you can visit our website and use our live chat feature. Our knowledgeable support agents will be happy to assist you with any queries or concerns.

Please note that while we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it is important to regularly review the Terms and Conditions for any updates or changes. We recommend bookmarking our website or subscribing to our newsletter to stay informed about any amendments to the Terms and Conditions.

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to serving you.

Example: If a user has a question about a specific clause in the Terms and Conditions, they can send an email to [email protected] with the subject line “Terms and Conditions Inquiry.” Our support team will promptly review the query and provide a detailed response, addressing the user’s concerns and providing clarification if needed. In cases where the user’s concern requires further investigation or legal expertise, our team will escalate the matter to the appropriate department to ensure a satisfactory resolution.