AI Powerhouse

API QuickStart Guides

This information is for registered API users.

Please contact us via
For more information about how to obtain an API-key

In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency is paramount.

We have begun steadily implementing APIs end users to enjoy our AI tools integrated into their own closed networks.

I. Request for OverWatch Status
Please contact us via for Status Appeal

What it does: You will be allowed to access the administrator dashboard allowing you to add/remove users. Manage and track spend and issue new API-keys on demand


  • Integration Flexibility: API access allows for seamless integration of the toolkit’s features with existing systems or workflows, enhancing functionality without the need to use a separate interface.
  • Customisation and Control: Provides greater control over how tools are used and customised, enabling tailored solutions specific to unique business needs or processes.
  • Efficiency in Automation: Enables the automation of tasks and processes by directly interfacing with the toolkit’s capabilities, leading to increased efficiency and reduced manual intervention.

II. Deploy an API-Key and Access The Admin Tools

What it does: Allows you to have Super User status to access the toolkits via API and a suite of Overwatch tools to track users and consumption.